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Health Coaching

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates


Lisha graduated from from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and became a health coach in 2016.  Her approach is to evaluate the individual and work towards meeting their specific goals.  Since health is not one size fits all, the program is holistic and focuses on individual needs whether the need is weight loss, increased balance, reduced stress, or learning to eat and cook healthy food.  She has had great success with helping clients reach their goals. 

As we get older, it is important to keep our bodies and minds operating well so we can enjoy life and be the best version of ourselves.

Livology is a woman-owned health and wellness venture which takes an individualized holistic approach to health

  Release detrimental habits, foods, emotions, traumas

  Renew the body and mind  

  Rejuvenate to a more youthful, healthy condition

"Nothing ventured nothing gained." Chaucer

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Missouri City, Texas

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