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Singing Bowl Meditation

"Be still and know that I am God."  God

Our world is full of distractions.  So many things are vying for our attention.  Many of these things are good.  However, it is hard to focus on one thing at a time.  The mind gets crowded with many thoughts.  These thoughts can be in the present, past or future.  It is impossible to think or even do multiple things at the same time and give it your best.  Training in mindfulness is a better alternative.  


Mindfulness is not about emptying your mind.  It is simply being fully present.  It is focused attention.  Through mindfulness training, you learn to train your mind to be more focused and fully present, improve your listening skills and learn to listen for content and emotions.  

It is statically proven that mindfulness training enhances wellbeing, improves work performance and provides tools to develop outstanding leaders.  

Livology is a woman-owned health and wellness venture which takes an individualized holistic approach to health

  Release detrimental habits, foods, emotions, traumas

  Renew the body and mind  

  Rejuvenate to a more youthful, healthy condition

"Nothing ventured nothing gained." Chaucer

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Missouri City, Texas

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