Energy Medicine
"Everything is energy and that's all there is to it." Albert Einstein
Alternative Medicine?
Energy is vital to our health and Energy Medicine helps to restore the body to optimal energy levels. In ancient Chinese medicine, acupuncture was used to bring health and reduce pain or illness. Energy Medicine works with these acupressure points to test for imbalances in the body. These imbalances can lead to illnesses if not properly maintained and balanced. The points are located on meridians which run through the body and every organ. They are a sort of highway or road map. Energy Medicine uses various gentle techniques to achieve optimal energy such as balancing the meridians, grounding, clearing stagnate energy, relieving pain caused from stuck energy. These are amazing and effective techniques. Energy Medicine is non-invasive and uses minimal touch. It locates imbalances by energy testing various points on the body. Once imbalances are discovered, they are addressed and balanced. When the body's energy is balanced, it is better equipped to naturally heal.